Personal Injury Lawyer

Automobile & Trucking Accidents

Automobile and Trucking Accident Lawyers in Greenville, SC

an image of an old totaled car

Know & Understand Your Legal RIGHTS

If you are the victim of an automobile or trucking accident, you know how traumatic the experience can be. Your whole world could change forever in a split second, especially if you sustained severe injuries or a loved one was killed. The physical, emotional, and financial impacts can be extremely challenging and potentially devastating.

To make matters worse, approximately one-quarter of drivers in South Carolina are uninsured. Many others carry only small insurance policies that are inadequate to compensate injured parties. Make sure your rights are protected.

Hold Them Responsible for WRONGS

Automobile and trucking accidents are unexpected and often devastating. Dealing with insurance companies and navigating complex insurance issues can be daunting. If you are a victim of an accident caused by another driver’s negligence—whether they were speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or driving while texting — you are likely entitled to monetary compensation.

You need someone with experience who can answer your questions regarding your legal rights. One of our personal injury attorneys can also help you determine if the at-fault driver was reckless in addition to their negligence. We will gladly review your case and give you an honest assessment.

an image of an insurance policy with a dollar bill sitting on top of it

Get The Experience You Deserve

At Fayssoux and Landis, our skilled attorneys in Greenville are here to help you with your case. When it comes to automotive and trucking accidents, our personal injury lawyers bring years of experience and success to our clients. Let one of our attorneys review the circumstances of your accident and resulting injuries to determine if you can obtain compensation.

Schedule Your Free, Confidential Consultation

A price can’t be placed on your well-being, but Fayssoux and Landis will work toward a resolution that brings you peace of mind.

Share the details of your case with us, and we will be in touch about your free consultation.

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