Know & Understand Your Legal RIGHTS
Property owners often face challenges to their property rights. Issues can arise regarding ownership or access to property. Sometimes a neighboring individual or business engages in conduct that interferes with the use or enjoyment of your property. Our lawyers can inform you of your rights and advise you of your options to address a broad range of real estate issues you may encounter.
Hold Them Responsible for WRONGS
The best way to protect yourself is to have a lawyer on your side who understands these disputes
and has successfully represented clients through trial. Our lawyers have experience representing
property owners in the following types of cases:
- Eminent Domain / Governmental Taking
- Easement Disputes
- Contract and Title Disputes
- Adverse Possession / Prescriptive Easement
- Stormwater / Runoff Issues
- Commercial Lease Disputes
- Restrictive Covenants / Rental Restrictions

Get The Experience You Deserve
Fayssoux and Landis are Greenville Property and Eminent Domain lawyers with decades of combined experience. We have represented clients in a wide range of real estate matters. In many of our cases, our clients were offered a fraction of what they ultimately recovered at trial. While the government might have the right to condemn a property, it must still offer a fair price. Let us begin appraising your case and help ensure you receive proper payment.

*Every case must be evaluated on its own merit, and past results do not guarantee a particular outcome in any other case.
Past Verdicts & Settlements*
$109,958.50 Verdict – A jury found in favor of the individual who had property taken by the Western Carolina Sewer Authority, which, prior to our firm taking the case, had originally offered clients a small fraction of what was ultimately recovered at trial
$80,000 Verdict – A jury found in favor of the landowner who had property taken by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)
$66,071 Verdict – A jury found in favor of an individual who had property taken by the SCDOT, which had offered the client less than what was ultimately recovered at trial.

Schedule Your Free, Confidential Consultation
A price can’t be placed on your well-being, but Fayssoux and Landis will work toward a resolution that brings you peace of mind.
Share the details of your case with us, and we will be in touch about your free consultation.
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